Friday, June 21, 2013

Find Out How To Determine Baby Gender

how to determine baby gender learn
It's only natural for that pregnant woman to remain apprehensive within the gender from the baby the woman with carrying. A certain sex could be preferred but there is however nothing the pair can do concerning baby's gender after conception. However,

Having the sex of this baby before arrival allows the couple to put together adequately in the baby. You ought to increase the risk for nursery pink should you need a baby girl or blue when a baby boy 's what you prefer. The followings are a couple of each domain you can use to determine the gender belonging to the baby with the womb.URINE TEST. One can find proprietary products you can use inside your home to look for the gender of baby while using pregnant woman's urine. However, this may only be possible after about five to six weeks of being pregnant,

That is definitely, six or seven weeks when the woman had missed her period. The Intelligender pink or blue baby gender kit is surely an demonstration of such proprietary product.BLOOD SAMPLE. After 10 weeks of being pregnant, using products like baby gender mentor, blood sample of your mother may be used to determine the sex on the unborn baby. The samples has to be sent for doctor's analysis though.ULTRASOUND. Ultrasound way is reasons for that will be used to determine the gender of unborn baby after 12 weeks of pregnancy. In ultrasound, the fetus must be properly positioned prior to the test is finished. If you're not properly positioned, quality must be repeated.AMINOCENTESIS.

There's nothing usually in serious trouble normal pregnancies and could be done at about 6 weeks of pregnancy. It happens to be reported to obtain about 99% accuracy and usually in hot water women who are above 35 years old and when genetic disorder is suspected.CHINESE PREGNANCY CHART. Employing this chart, you connect the age of the pregnant woman to the month of conception to determine the gender on the baby. When the color of the stage that connection is pink you will have a baby girl, if blue it's a choosing. When you're a female of 21, depending on birth chart, you do not have much opportunity of a boy baby.While these tests,

We've got to realize that none of those methods is foolproof or 100% accurate. If you want to be really sure, maybe you have to hold back to your mother to be delivered of your baby.For example, the Chinese chart might be to keep things interesting. Often, sow how does it explain that there's not a whole lot chance for that 21 woman having a boy. Even, Ultra sound that may be around the easiest additionally , the commonest approach to baby gender determination depends completely at the right positioning belonging to the fetus. Or properly positioned the test must be done again Again, when home gender determination tests are accomplished,

Directions need to be followed religiously otherwise you might obtain inaccurate result. It is believed that tests undertaken at above 26 weeks are more reliable.There are natural methods you can use to influence the gender of your respective baby and they are generally safe and almost cost free.

Related Articles :
4 Ways To Determine Your Baby's Gender Without an Ultrasound
Sex Positions To Determine Baby Gender
Determine You Baby - The science behind sex selection
Gender Determination - Predicting Baby Gender

Friday, June 14, 2013

4 Ways To Determine Your Baby's Gender Without an Ultrasound

The majority of couple’s find out what their baby’s gender is when that 2nd trimester ultrasound rolls around. But over the years there are multiple ways and theories developed in determining the sex of a child. Ultrasounds to determine that baby’s sex didn’t become standard until the late 80′s – early 90′s!

Here are 5 Ways to Find Out What Your Baby’s Sex Is (Maybe!)

1. Ancient Chinese Pregnancy Calendar

The Chinese Pregnancy Calendar or Chinese Conception Chart is supposed to predict if you are having a girl or boy. There is an old Chinese story that says this Chinese chart was buried in a royal tomb over 1,000 years ago.

chinesse calender to determine baby gender

Hey there is a 50/50 chance this is correct!

2. Wedding Ring Gender Prediction

determine baby gender

Find out what your baby’s sex is by this very scientific way (sarcasm at it’s best, people). Take your wedding ring, a thread and put the thread thru the wedding ring. Now dangle the wedding ring over the mom’s pregnant belly while lying down. If the wedding ring swings in a circle motion – it’s a GIRL! If it moves back and forth like a pendulum – it’s a boy!

This “gender revealing method” also supposively works with a pin or a needle.

Again – 50% chance of this being correct!

If you clicked on the link hoping to find 5 serious ways to find out what your baby’s sex is, I’m apologizing in advance.

3. Your Eyeball Knows!

determine baby gender

Look in the mirror and pull down the skin under your LEFT eye. Look at the white part of your eyeball. Do you see a vein that looks like a “V” or branches, if so – it’s a GIRL!

50% chance people…

4. How Are You Carrying Your Baby?

determine baby gender

Look at your self in the mirror, full length – your beautiful. Now turn to the side, is the baby high or is the baby low? How are you carrying your baby? If it’s high – congrat’s it COULD BE A GIRL! If you are carrying low – congrats! it COULD BE A BOY

Sex Positions To Determine Baby Gender

how to determine baby gender
Myth: You can determine your baby's gender by the position of sexual intercourse and you can predict it by how you are carrying.

Fact: This is not true. The gender of your baby is determined by the father; more specifically, if sperm carrying an X-chromosome fertilizes the egg, the baby will be a girl and if the sperm carrying a Y-chromosome fertilizes the egg, a boy will result. The position of intercourse has no clear effect on which type of sperm (X or Y) successfully fertilizes the egg.

The baby's size and position determine how one "carries" their baby. For example, during late pregnancy, the baby's head "drops" lower into the pelvis in preparation for delivery; that will make it seem that the mother is carrying "low," but that happens for male and female babies. A mother-to-be may be "carrying high" simply because the baby is large, not because of its gender.

You can read more tips and best ways on how to have baby a girl

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Determine You Baby - The science behind sex selection

how to determine baby gender naturally
Can we choose the sex of our child?

Fertility specialists have the ability to create and identify embryos of either sex. However, it is illegal to choose your baby's gender in the UK, unless there's a medical reason for it.

You can only legally choose your baby's gender in the UK if you have a serious genetic condition that you risk passing on to your children. Only pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) has been approved as a technique which does this. So you can't medically intervene with conception just to balance your family, or for social or cultural reasons.

There are some cheap, safe techniques that you can try in the privacy of your own home, though they're pretty unreliable. You could experiment with sex-selection kits or try folklore methods, such as eating more meat if you want a boy.!

What would qualify us for sex selection?

You'll only qualify for pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) if you have a serious genetic disorder such as haemophilia or cystic fibrosis. PGD reduces the chance of your baby suffering from the same condition, partly by testing for the genes which carry it.

If you think you are eligible for PGD, your case will be decided by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA).

PGD is an in vitro fertilisation (IVF) technique. At the fertility clinic, embryos are created from your eggs and your partner's sperm. After these are screened, a specialist will implant two or maybe three embryos in your uterus (womb).

Gender as well as genes can play a part. Duchenne muscular dystrophy, for example, only affects boys. A disease such as haemophilia almost always passes from mum to son. In these circumstances, your doctor would just use a girl embryo. He wouldn't need to test for specific genes as well.

Your clinic will probably offer to freeze any spare embryos. You can then use these if you suffer the distress of a miscarriage, or if you'd like to have more children later on. Using frozen embryos isn't quite as reliable, but it's less invasive, and cheaper than another cycle of IVF.

PGD is expensive, and the NHS has a limit on the number of couples that it can fund. Each IVF cycle costs an average of £5,000, and this doesn't include the bills for consultations, tests and drugs. PGD costs even more than that.

Not all fertility clinics in the UK are licensed to carry out PGD. The HFEA clinic search tool can help you to find a clinic that does.

What is sperm sorting?

This is when doctors try to separate male from female sperm. Sperm sorting is illegal in the UK, but the service is offered, for a considerable fee, in some other countries.

The most-used technique is flow cytometry, which is thought to be about 92 per cent accurate for girls, and 82 per cent for boys.

Flow cytometry works by adding a fluorescent dye to your partner's sperm sample. Experts can then tell male from female by seeing how the dye binds to the genetic material in the sperm.

Once sorted, you can then be implanted with the chosen sperm using relatively cheap intrauterine insemination (IUI).

There's no guarantee of success with sperm-sorting. And IUI is not as effective as in vitro fertilisation (IVF).

Can timing sex decide my baby's gender?

There are two theories about whether this is possible: the Shettles method and the Whelan method, both named after the person that devised them. Bear in mind that these methods are theories rather than proven techniques.

You may decide to try one method if you understand your cycle well enough. But bear in mind that, whichever method you try, you always have a 50:50 chance of conceiving a baby of the gender you'd like.

The Shettles method

This is based on the idea that male sperm move faster, but don't live as long as female sperm. So if you want a boy, you should aim to have sex as close as possible to ovulation, as the boy sperm will beat the girl sperm in the race to the egg. If you want a girl, you need to have sex two to four days before you ovulate.

Shettles claims that it's 75 per cent effective for girls and 80 per cent effective for boys.

What is the Whelan method?

The Whelan method partly contradicts the Shettles method. It suggests that biochemical changes earlier on in your cycle favour boy-producing sperm. So if you want a boy, you should have sex four to six days before your basal body temperature goes up, or when your OPK says you are about to ovulate. If you want a girl you should have sex two to three days before you ovulate.

There may be more in this, as experts have found that male sperm have an advantage over female sperm at the very beginning and the end of your fertile window. They also suggest that male sperm can survive longer than female sperm.

How about sex selection kits?

DIY kits which claim to help with sex selection are based on the Shettles theory. Separate girl and boy kits cost about £100. They include instructions, a basal thermometer, ovulation predictor test sticks, supplement tablets, and douches that are supposedly gender specific.

Not surprisingly, the US manufacturer claims a 96 per cent success rate. But some fertility experts say there's not enough evidence to back up these claims.