Monday, April 1, 2013

Genetic Determines Baby Gender

How to Determine Baby Gender genetically

how to determine the gender of baby
The male genetic composition plays a key role in determining baby gender according to a research that has recently been carried out by New Castle University in the UK. The research indicates a strong connection between baby gender and the male family history that goes back hundreds of years.

The findings of the research are simple and straight forward: In retrospect, if your ancestors’ families were composed mainly of males, then your chances of being a father to boys increase dramatically. If there were more females in those families, then you should expect a baby girl. Genetics will determine your baby gender.

The researchers closely and comprehensively examined more than 900 family trees and more than half a million people from Europe and North America in the last 400 years. A strong correlation between baby sex and siblings gender was found for men but not for women.

Conventional science teaches us that the female carries the X chromosome in her ova. The male sperm cell can carry either the X chromosome or the Y chromosome and so he is the one who determines whether a boy or a girl will be born. In general population the birth gender ratio is close to 50/50 (to be more precise, it is 107 males to 100 girls).

Determine Baby Gender Genetic

This gender ratio may fit human population as a whole, but what about specific families in which there is a clear dominance of one gender. This is exactly the point in which the research of New Castle University offers revolutionary findings. Now people can understand why they have a tendency for producing either a male or a female offspring. All you have to do to be able to predict your baby gender is to conduct a genealogical study of your family.

Well… maybe I am exaggerating. A genetic study that goes back to the past cannot really replace the ultrasound as a baby gender predictor. Yet it can give us a clue of what to expect in the future.