Monday, April 1, 2013

Determine Gender Selection

How To Determine Baby Gender

when can you determine the gender of a baby
All future parents are preoccupied with their baby gender and each parent has hisHow to determine baby gender or her preference. As a parent, I also had my preference every time I was blessed with a new pregnancy. What I did not know back then is that there are very reliable methods to determine the baby gender.

The Desire for a Baby Girl and the Birth of My Baby Boys

Gender selection has never been something that concerned me up until recently when the will to determine my baby’s gender became particularly strong on my third pregnancy. I already had two charming little boys. One was 7 and the other was 5. All my life I dreamt of a baby girl that I would dress up with beautiful clothes, colorful pins and shiny shoes. And when she grew up, she and I would be best friends. She would share everything with me and we would have the perfect mother-daughter bond.

On my first pregnancy I had a very strong feeling that I was carrying a baby girl. The ultra-sound examination proved my feminine intuition completely wrong. On my second pregnancy, I knew that that time I had it right and a baby girl was waiting to be born straight into my arms. No need to tell that even though I instantly fell in love with my new baby boy, I was a bit disappointed.

I Decided to to Opt for Gender Selection and Determine My Baby Gender – The Birth of Emily

So on my third pregnancy, I decided to take things into my own hands and not let fate decide for me. I began to do some research on gender selection by reading intensively about methods to determine a baby gender. Of course, I was particularly looking for methods of how to have a girl.

I followed these methods strictly although I must admit I was Skeptic. All the skepticism vanished completely when we went for the first ultrasound scanning. The doctor dryly said, “ I spot a female fetus” and there were tears of joy in my eyes.

After a couple of months, my princess, Emily, was in my arms and I felt like a general in his victory march. I knew that I achieved my goal because I chose and used the right methods.

So What is the Secret? What are The Methods?

As much as I want, I can’t elaborate on all the methods of gender selection in this short article. What I can do, however, is to give you the basic guidelines to help you plan your baby gender.

First you should know that the male sperm cells are faster than the female sperm cells but are less resilient. So if you want a baby boy, make sure the male sperm quickly reaches the female egg. It is recommended to make love as close as possible to ovulation. If, on the other hand, you want a baby girl, try to delay the act as far as possible from ovulation in order that the less resilient male sperm cell will not survive the waiting time for the rendezvous with the mother’s egg. In this way, you significantly improve the chances that a female sperm cell will fertilize the ovum.

Second, the level of acidity in the vagina is a crucial factor that determines the baby gender. In this regard, the answer to the question how to have a girl is simple: The more acid the woman’s vagina is, the lower are the chances that the male sperm cells will survive.

So If you want a boy, wash your vagina with sodium bicarbonate to reduce acidity (two spoons in one liter of fresh water will do the job). Alternatively, if you want a girl, wash your vagina with water containing a little vinegar to increase acidity (that’s what I did).

Last but not least, pay attention to diet. Research has shown that if 6 weeks before the moment of conception you start on a diet rich in calcium and magnesium and low in sodium and potassium, you have an 80 per cent chance of giving birth to a female. For a male, of course, do the opposite. What it basically means is that if you want a baby girl, make sure you eat plenty of dairy products (I love cheese, mainly cheese cakes. So I must admit that I liked this tip a lot).

To sum up, I am looking forward to my next pregnancy, and this time I think I will opt for a boy. Now that I am equipped with the necessary knowledge to determine my baby gender, I feel I’ve got the means to plan my family the way I want it to be.