Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Gender Determination - Predicting Baby Gender

How Can You Tell If It’s a Boy or Girl - Predicting Baby Gender

Often expecting parents wish to know whether they have a boy or a girl before the second trimester. There are plenty of techniques to predict baby gender as well as determine baby gender – most of which are quite accurate.

how is baby gender determined You should bear in mind that even an ultrasound examination may not always be 100 per cent certain, so parents have to be prepared for the pssibility that they might be surprised when the baby is born. Nevertheless, ultrasound or amniocentesis are very reliable techniques of prediction and the possibility for error is rare regarding ultrasound and almost non-existent when it comes to amniocentesis.

The most accurate technique of prediction is baby gender prediction kits. These tests usually require a urine or blood sample, and work by detecting the presence of male sex hormones or male-specific DNA. Be warned that despite some manufacturers’ claims of 90% or greater accuracy, these tests are not infallible. Prepare to pay anywhere from 40 to a few hundred dollars, depending on the kit.

In addition to the more scientific approaches discussed previously, a number of old wives’ tales purport to provide a means to predict a baby’s gender. Of course, the veracity of these predictors is questionable, but they provide a fun way of guessing gender. A few of these techniques will be briefly explained below, with further elucidation in another article covering traditional gender prediction techniques exclusively.

- Carrying low indicates a boy; carrying high, a girl.

- A slower fetal heart rate indicates a male child; while a faster rate indicates a female.

- If a pendulum (or ring tied to a thread) swinging over the expecting mother’s belly traces a circular pattern, expect a girl; if it traces a back-and-forth pendulum motion, expect a boy.

- You can also refer to a Chinese birth calendar, which is used to predict a baby’s gender.

Gender Determination - Diet Help You Determine Your Baby Gender

How can your Diet Help You Determine Your Baby Gender

If you could select your baby gender, would you ? Some research says that a certain kind of diet can help determine your baby’s gender.

gender determination
The way a mother treats her body, her health, her stress levels, her nutrition, her fitness, and her over all well-being during pregnancy affect her unborn baby in many ways. A mother-baby bond is so strong emotionally and physically during pregnancy that babies are impacted regarding their own physical and mental health in the uterus as well as for the rest of their lives. One new addition to the way a mother can impact her baby is surprisingly related to her nutrition.

To determine a baby’s gender, it has been found that eating more calories raises the chances of having a baby boy while eating fewer calories raises the chances of having a girl. Additionally, certain proteins, minerals, and vitamins, especially those found in healthy breakfast cereals, increase the likelihood of giving birth to a boy. On the other hand, less protein and vitamin-rich foods raises the likelihood of delivering a baby girl.

In addition, mother can choose to include potassium and sodium such as in bananas, fish, vegetables, and meats in her diet to increase her chances of having a boy. On the other hand, she may choose to eat foods that have more calcium and magnesium such as milk, cheeses, beans, and certain cereals to raise her chances of having a baby girl. You have to bear in mind, however, that it’s important to always eat healthily no matter the gender of your growing baby. Nevertheless, these are just a few tips for potentially determining your baby gender.

To conclude, it is not known for sure whether diet and nutrition can truly determine your baby’s gender. However, some research did find a correlation between the two. Imagine being able to choose your baby’s gender. Do you desire to decorate a nursery with blues and greens and little zoo animals or little cars and trucks or wish to purchase all those cute pink and lacy baby girl bedding sets, tutus, and princess décor? If so, there is hope, and the possibility of being able to create the family you have always wanted does exist.

Gender Determination - Nature’s Verdict

Men Determine Baby Gender, but Women Have a Say this Nature’s Verdict

How to determination a girl Nature does not treat us, women, fairly. We are the ones who carry the baby in our womb for 9 months, and afterwards we deliver him or her in a painful process called birth. The male does not do much apart from enjoyable couple of minutes when he makes sure his sperm cell will enter the body of his beloved female counterpart. Despite that, he is the only one who determines baby gender.

It all depends on the kind of chromosomes the sperm cell that meets the woman’s egg contains. The best we can do if we want to determine our future baby’s gender is to use some measures to make sure that the desirable, either male or female sperm cell, will reach the egg.

Nature’s Mechanism that Determines Baby Gender

In many cultures in the past it was wrongly believed that babies are produced solely by the male’s sperms while the female is nothing more than an incubator for that sperm. Yet if girls were born, the woman was to be accused for that! Today it is a well known fact that male and females share equal weight in creating the human embryo, but the male is responsible for its gender.

The female’s egg, the ovum if we use medical language, contains one type of chromosomes – X chromosomes. The male’s sperm cell contains one of two kinds of chromosomes –X chromosome and Y chromosome. If a male sperm cell that is composed of an X chromosome will fertilize the egg, a female embryo (XX) will be created. Alternatively, if a male sperm cell that is composed of a Y chromosome will fertilize the egg, a male embryo (YX) will be created.

Baby Gender Ratio and Statistics

This natural mechanism is meant to promise a 50%-50% sex ratio between boys and girls. Yet in reality the ratio is 105-100 in favor of boys (referred to as “a ratio of 105″). Put otherwise, according to world demographic statistics, the chances of giving birth to a baby boy are 51.3% in comparison to 48.7% when it comes to baby girls.

Women do have a Say and determine baby gender

Scientists discovered that 50.3% of sperm cells contain the Y chromosome and 49.7% contain the X chromosome. This division is supposed to promise an almost 50-50 gender ratio, but as mentioned above, in reality the ratio is in favor of boys. So what accounts for this lack of proportionality?

One assumption is connected to the father’s age. Researchers found that as males get older, there is a small increase in the number of Y Chromosomes sperm cells. Yet this increase is very small and so insignificant.

The answer most probably lies in the conditions that exist in the female’s body, her vagina, uterus and Fallopian tubes. These conditions can enhance the mobility of Y Chromosomes sperm cells and so change the odds in favor of male embryos. All in all, women do have a say in determining baby gender.

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Gender Determination

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  • how is the gender of a baby determined
  • Monday, April 1, 2013

    How to Predict Baby Gender

    Traditional Methods To The Ultrasound Predict

    How to Predict Baby Gender With Chinese cart Is it a boy or a girl? This is the one million dollars question for many parents,how to predict baby gender from tradional method to ultrasound especially for those who are interested in determining their baby gender. In the past there were various methods to predict baby gender. Of course they became less relevant with the arrival of the ultrasound which enables in a close to 100% accuracy to know if you are going paint the room pink or blue. Yet you should know that the ultrasound can be used to predict your baby gender starting from the 16th week.

    Baby gender is determined at the moment the sperm cell meets the egg. However, it does not mean we can know (or in the case of the ultrasound, see) what nature has decided for us. We can differentiate between a male and a female by observing the penis and scrotum (the bag that hold the testicles) in the baby boy and the genital lips in the baby girl. That can only be done starting from around the 16th week. In addition, you have to bear in mind that sometimes the penis is hidden, so only on the 20th week, you will be able to predict your baby gender accurately.

    Traditional Methods to Predict Baby Gender

    You can’t wait till you reach the 16th week? It is quite understandable. I could not wait as well in all of my pregnancies. I truly sympathize with the strong desire to know if it’s a boy or a girl, but the best I can do is to offer you some traditional methods that were invented by our foremothers and foremothers to predict baby gender.

    It’s All a Matter of Incline

    My late grandmother used to say that it’s all a matter of how your belly is inclined. If it bends upwards – it is a girl. Alternatively, if it bends downwards, then it is a boy. What does it mean? Are boys heavier then girl? I can’t tell. I only know it worked for me. In my first and second pregnancy, my belly inclined downwards and I gave birth to baby boys. My third pregnancy resulted in a girl and the belly was a little higher.

    What You Like to EatIt is widely believed that if you have an uncontrolled craving for sweet food, you have a girl. If you desire salty or sour foods, it is a boy. I must say I have a constant craving for all that is sweet, no matter if I am pregnant or not.

    Follow Your Heart

    Next time you go to your doctor for a routine examination, pay close attention to your fetus’ heart beat. It is said that if its heart rate is higher than 140, it’s a girl and if it’s lower than 140, it’s a boy.

    What does medical science have to say about it? The fetus’ heart beat changes all the time during your pregnancy. It also depends on what you eat. If you eat foods that contain high levels of sugar, the fetus will become more active, and so its heart rate will change accordingly. Nevertheless, research has shown that during birth, the female fetus’ heart rate tends to be a little higher.

    The Wedding Ring Method

    This is my favorite method. According to it, you have to tie your wedding ring to a thin cord and hand it over your belly. If the ring moves in circles, it’s a boy. If it moves back and forward, it’s a girl.

    The Chinese Method

    Unlike Western medicine, Chinese medicine gives the mother predominance in determining baby gender. If it is a boy or a girl depends on the exact moment when the mother becomes pregnant. The Chinese have a special gender chart to predict baby gender ( according to legend, it was found in an ancient tomb ). I never used this chart before since I tend to rely more on Western Medicine than on any other medicine. Yet it is said that one billion Chinese can’t go wrong and you can’t argue with that.

    You can see some of the other methods that could be a reference in determine the gender of your baby

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    How to Predict Baby Gender

  • The IVF/PGD Technique
  • Sperm Sorting Method To Determine Baby Gender
  • The Ericsson Method
  • http://determinebaby.blogspot.com/2013/04/how-to-predict-baby-gender.html
  • Determine Baby Gender - IVF/PGD Methods

    The IVF/PGD Technique

    Determine IVF/PGD Methods Determine Baby Gender
    Determine baby gender Methods
    Sprem to determine baby gender a boy or a girl
    For many people finding out they are pregnant is the happiest time of their lives.

    Their ...

    lives are about to change in ways they never imagined as they look forward to the future of their new family. One question may come to mind: is it possible to determine baby gender before conception?

    There are scientific ways to determine baby gender; one of them is the IVF/PGD Technique. This method requires artificial fertilization, where eggs retrieved from the mother are fertilized with the father’s sperm in the lab. The fertilized embryos are then separated by sex.

    The fertilized eggs are biopsied by the preimplantation genetic diagnosis, the PGD part of the IVF technique. Once the embryos reach three days growth a small incision is made and one of the cells is removed. A scientist will study the isolated cell looking for genetic abnormalities and determine baby gender.

    Because every one of our cells holds a perfect copy of our DNA in its chromosomes, laboratory analysis of this solitary cell can show whether it will have an inherited disease, chromosomal anomalies, and the sex of the child.

    Once the analysis is done, the preferred sex with healthy genetics is placed in the mother’s womb. There are other scientific ways to determine baby gender, however this is the preferred method because control is exacting in the lab over the embryo.

    There may be many reasons a couple would decide IVF/PGD Technique is the one they will choose in deciding the sex of their child. In some countries, only the male child can carry the family name, or inherit the family lands. In other countries, like China there may be a moratorium on how many children a couple can have. Some families may be unable to produce one sex or the other and it is for these reasons this technique has seen a rise in its use.

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  • Sperm Sorting Method To Determine Baby Gender
  • Determine Baby Gender Method
  • IVF/PGD Technique
  • Determine Baby Gender - Sperm Sorting

    Sperm Sorting Method To Determine Baby Gender

    determine to Conceive boy or girl
    Many couples who want to have the choice of the sex of their baby do so for many reasons.There may be hereditary issues such as hemophilia that affects mostly boy babies; the choice of having more than one child may be limited in countries such as China. There can be many explanations as to why they want to determine baby gender. There are various ways the sex of a child can be swayed with a little scientific intervention: some more involved than others are, some less costly.

    One of the scientific ways to determine baby gender is sperm sorting. Originally the sperm sorting method was to control the sex of the progeny of cattle. They achieve this by taking advantage of the contrast in size involving the X and Y chromosome.

    A female sperm will have two X chromosomes and the male will have either a Y or an X. When a sperm containing a Y chromosome inseminates an egg, the result will be a male. If a sperm containing an X inseminates an egg, the results will be a female. Since the X chromosome is roughly three times larger than the Y, the initial approach used a centrifuge to separate the sperm by weight causing the heavier X sperm to gather at the bottom while the lighter Y sperm would be at the top. One issue was the high rate of speed of the centrifuge would cause the spinning sperm to be damaged or killed if they collided with each other.

    Sperm Sorting

    New advances in the sperm sorting method have enhanced this process enough to make it a dependable choice for those wanting to determine baby gender. This procedure is used with intrauterine insemination or in vitro fertilization.

    Sperm sorting applies the procedure of flow cytometry for scientific ways to determine baby gender. Before flow cytometric sorting, semen is marked with a luminous dye called Hoechst 33342. This then attaches to the chromosome; the “female” sperm absorbs more dye than the “male” sperm.

    Consequently, when the sperm are subjected to UV light the X sperm glow brighter than the Y sperm. As the sperm flow through the flow cytometer, each one is coated with a drop of fluid according to its chromosome. The X gets a positive charge and the Y receives a negative charge. They separate the sperm using electrostatic deflection and then place them into individual tubes for AI or in vitro fertilization.

    Related articles :

    Determine Baby Gender - Sperm Sorting

  • Determine Baby Gender Method - The Ericsson Method
  • http://determinebaby.blogspot.com/2013/04/determine-baby-gender-methods.html
  • Determine Baby Gender Method

    The Ericsson Method

    Most soon to be parents are anxious to know what the sex of their baby will be.
    They may wait until birth or have an amniocentesis done to determine baby gender. Men and women have been using countless techniques to try to increase the odds for one gender over another for eons. In medieval times, men would tie or even remove one testicle thinking that the sperm for a girl or boy came from separate testicles.

    The Ericsson method is where sperm is collected from the father and put into a cone-containing albumin. They centrifuge, clean, thin out, and place the sperm in a test tube.

    How to Determination Baby Gender
    Determine baby gender ericcson method

    The test tube is filled with increasing thicknesses of albumin in which the sperm is left for one hour. The stronger sperm or male sperm swim down into the albumin, the top layer is removed and the test tube is left to stand another hour, the next layer is thrown out and the solution after being centrifuged is used for the A-I process. This method certainly seems to help determine baby gender. The sperm are then sorted, the faster ones male and the slower swimming ones being female.

    The mother is inseminated with the sperm and if she wants a girl then she is also given the drug Clomid to up the chances. The success rate with the Ericsson method is between 78 and 85 percent for males and 72 to 75 percent for girls. This is just one of the scientific ways to determine baby gender and one of the more controversial methods. There are many doubters although the results from medical studies are somewhat positive.

    This method is the least expensive method, mainly because in vitro fertilization is not needed with this process. Strangely, scientific ways to determine baby gender appears to be accessible in more than a few countries where they have banned other gender selection procedures. India is one such country where a clear wish for males has now affected a sex percentage disparity, also in the UK where babies seem to be sought for their genetic engineering.

    Determine Gender Selection

    How To Determine Baby Gender

    when can you determine the gender of a baby
    All future parents are preoccupied with their baby gender and each parent has hisHow to determine baby gender or her preference. As a parent, I also had my preference every time I was blessed with a new pregnancy. What I did not know back then is that there are very reliable methods to determine the baby gender.

    The Desire for a Baby Girl and the Birth of My Baby Boys

    Gender selection has never been something that concerned me up until recently when the will to determine my baby’s gender became particularly strong on my third pregnancy. I already had two charming little boys. One was 7 and the other was 5. All my life I dreamt of a baby girl that I would dress up with beautiful clothes, colorful pins and shiny shoes. And when she grew up, she and I would be best friends. She would share everything with me and we would have the perfect mother-daughter bond.

    On my first pregnancy I had a very strong feeling that I was carrying a baby girl. The ultra-sound examination proved my feminine intuition completely wrong. On my second pregnancy, I knew that that time I had it right and a baby girl was waiting to be born straight into my arms. No need to tell that even though I instantly fell in love with my new baby boy, I was a bit disappointed.

    I Decided to to Opt for Gender Selection and Determine My Baby Gender – The Birth of Emily

    So on my third pregnancy, I decided to take things into my own hands and not let fate decide for me. I began to do some research on gender selection by reading intensively about methods to determine a baby gender. Of course, I was particularly looking for methods of how to have a girl.

    I followed these methods strictly although I must admit I was Skeptic. All the skepticism vanished completely when we went for the first ultrasound scanning. The doctor dryly said, “ I spot a female fetus” and there were tears of joy in my eyes.

    After a couple of months, my princess, Emily, was in my arms and I felt like a general in his victory march. I knew that I achieved my goal because I chose and used the right methods.

    So What is the Secret? What are The Methods?

    As much as I want, I can’t elaborate on all the methods of gender selection in this short article. What I can do, however, is to give you the basic guidelines to help you plan your baby gender.

    First you should know that the male sperm cells are faster than the female sperm cells but are less resilient. So if you want a baby boy, make sure the male sperm quickly reaches the female egg. It is recommended to make love as close as possible to ovulation. If, on the other hand, you want a baby girl, try to delay the act as far as possible from ovulation in order that the less resilient male sperm cell will not survive the waiting time for the rendezvous with the mother’s egg. In this way, you significantly improve the chances that a female sperm cell will fertilize the ovum.

    Second, the level of acidity in the vagina is a crucial factor that determines the baby gender. In this regard, the answer to the question how to have a girl is simple: The more acid the woman’s vagina is, the lower are the chances that the male sperm cells will survive.

    So If you want a boy, wash your vagina with sodium bicarbonate to reduce acidity (two spoons in one liter of fresh water will do the job). Alternatively, if you want a girl, wash your vagina with water containing a little vinegar to increase acidity (that’s what I did).

    Last but not least, pay attention to diet. Research has shown that if 6 weeks before the moment of conception you start on a diet rich in calcium and magnesium and low in sodium and potassium, you have an 80 per cent chance of giving birth to a female. For a male, of course, do the opposite. What it basically means is that if you want a baby girl, make sure you eat plenty of dairy products (I love cheese, mainly cheese cakes. So I must admit that I liked this tip a lot).

    To sum up, I am looking forward to my next pregnancy, and this time I think I will opt for a boy. Now that I am equipped with the necessary knowledge to determine my baby gender, I feel I’ve got the means to plan my family the way I want it to be.

    Genetic Determines Baby Gender

    How to Determine Baby Gender genetically

    how to determine the gender of baby
    The male genetic composition plays a key role in determining baby gender according to a research that has recently been carried out by New Castle University in the UK. The research indicates a strong connection between baby gender and the male family history that goes back hundreds of years.

    The findings of the research are simple and straight forward: In retrospect, if your ancestors’ families were composed mainly of males, then your chances of being a father to boys increase dramatically. If there were more females in those families, then you should expect a baby girl. Genetics will determine your baby gender.

    The researchers closely and comprehensively examined more than 900 family trees and more than half a million people from Europe and North America in the last 400 years. A strong correlation between baby sex and siblings gender was found for men but not for women.

    Conventional science teaches us that the female carries the X chromosome in her ova. The male sperm cell can carry either the X chromosome or the Y chromosome and so he is the one who determines whether a boy or a girl will be born. In general population the birth gender ratio is close to 50/50 (to be more precise, it is 107 males to 100 girls).

    Determine Baby Gender Genetic

    This gender ratio may fit human population as a whole, but what about specific families in which there is a clear dominance of one gender. This is exactly the point in which the research of New Castle University offers revolutionary findings. Now people can understand why they have a tendency for producing either a male or a female offspring. All you have to do to be able to predict your baby gender is to conduct a genealogical study of your family.

    Well… maybe I am exaggerating. A genetic study that goes back to the past cannot really replace the ultrasound as a baby gender predictor. Yet it can give us a clue of what to expect in the future.

    Some Easy Ways To Determine Gender Baby

    Do You Want To Be A Girl Or A Boy?

    At conception, gender is determined by chromosome characteristics - and it will be the male ( or rather the male's sperm ) that dictates whether the baby will be a boy or a girl.

    Prior to conception, the unfertilized egg carries an X chromosome while the sperm can carry either an X or a Y chromosome. The gender of the baby comes down to one simple event:
  • If the sperm carrying an X chromosome fertilizes the egg, a girl will be conceived
  • If the sperm carrying a Y chromosome fertilizes the egg, a boy will be conceived

  • Details of Embryo genital development : Internal sex changes ¦ External sex organs

    Timing of Intercourse

    what determines baby gender Studies indicate that the sperm with the X chromosome - or female chromosome - have a longer life span than the male sperm (with the Y chromosome).

    Yet the male sperm appear to have a higher motility. Sperm motility is measured in two ways: percentage of sperm exhibiting movement, and the quality of this movement, which is called the forward progression. Poor motility means the sperm have a difficult time swimming toward the egg.

    It is said that the sperm carrying the Y chromosome uses energy faster than the sperm carrying the X chromosome. The energy utilization is said to be due to the speed in which sperm swim. Supposedly, the Y sperm is speedy or contains less mitochondria whereas the X sperm is slower or carries more mitochondria. Mitochondria are the energy producing cellular components which are absolutely necessary for life. Sperm contain, and can only produce, so much fuel for their journey.

    If one sperm type swims faster than another, the consequence of that, of course, is faster arrival - but also faster expiration. That said, if a woman knows her cycle and when she ovulates, the odds of baby gender prediction can be in one's favor. Sperm can reach the fallopian tubes in about 20 minutes to 2 hours. Sperm are viable for about 4-7 days inside the woman.

    At conception, the babies sex is determined by chromosome characteristics

    The genetic sex of a child is established at conception based on the 23rd pair of chromosomes it inherits from the parent. The mother's egg contains an X chromosome, and the father's sperm will contain either an X or Y chromosome. It is the male (or rather the male's sperm) that dictates whether the baby will be a boy or a girl.

    You want to have a Boy

    It is believed that if intercourse takes place closer to ovulation, then the probability is greater that the child will be male, due to the high motility (forward progression) and also the decreased life span of the Y carrying sperm.

    If you want a boy - aim for later intercourse before ovulation - say about 1 day before ovulation. Frequent intercourse around the time of ovulation. Have your partner wear boxers. A male with a high sperm count is more likely to have a boy.

    You want to have a Girl

    The sperm with the X chromosome - or female chromosome - have a longer life span than the male sperm, but exhibit decreased motility. Therefore, intercourse that takes place earlier may provide increased probability of a girl.

    You want - a girl. You know you ovulate 14 days before your next cycle. You must deliver sperm no closer than 4 days before ovulation. This way, the Y carrying sperm will likely be expired and the X carrying sperm still viable. When the egg is released at about 5 days after intercourse, the X carrying sperm will be in the fallopian tube waiting. If an X chromosome sperm fertilizes the egg, a girl will be conceived.

    The critical and perhaps not so obvious tip - don't repeat intercourse again for a week! Make sure fertilization is with 'mature sperm'. To sum up: If you want a girl - aim for earlier intercourse before ovulation - at least 4 days before you ovulate.

    If you are trying for a boy or girl, the ovulation dates planner will also suggest some actions that may influence the sex of the child, this is based on the scientific research of Dr Landrum Shettles and David M. Rorvik, who published findings in a book called:

    The Method Best Supported by Scientific Evidence

    wives tales about baby gender

    There are many old wives tales out there as to how to ensure that your baby is either a boy or a girl. Some are well, a little odd, and some seem as though they may have a bit of truth to them. There is also some which are based on medical fact, but just how true they are we do not know for sure.

    Your baby is what you eat

    If you want a boy :
    Y chromosome sperm require a PH balance that is more alkalai than acidic. This means that you may need to adjust your diet a little. Foods that are rich in potassium and sodium are ideal if you are trying to have a boy.

  • Eat red meat and bananas, also peaches are recommended.
  • Eat salty snacks such as: crackers and chips (but do not over do the salt).
  • Nuts, hazelnuts, pecans and almonds are high in Potassium.
  • Dads should drink plenty of sodas, preferably cola drinks.

  • If you want a girl :
    In order to have the right PH balance in your body to ensure that the X chromosome sperm can reach the egg successfully, you need to give them an environment that is acidic, focus on foods that are high in calcium and magnesium.

  • Eat lots of fresh fish, fruit and vegetables.
  • Green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli are good sources of magnesium.
  • Dairy products, milk, yogurt and cheese are calcium rich.
  • Eat Pumkin seeds, Sunflower seeds and Sesame seeds.

  • Old wives tales and Sex

    If you want a boy :

    1.The woman should stay horizontal after sex, as this gives the boy sperms a better chance of reaching the cervix than the girl sperms.
    2.Make love standing up, or use the rear entry position.
    3.Focus on the males pleasure during love making.

    If you want a girl :
    1.Make love in the missionary position, or with the woman on top.
    2.Focus on the female's sexual pleasure.

    Other old wives tales on determining the sex of your baby include

  • Make love on a quarter moon if you want a boy.
  • Make love on a full moon if you want a girl.
  • Make love on odd days for boys and even days for girls.
  • The more dominant sex in the relationship will produce offspring of the same sex.

  • There is no 100% guarantee that you will be able to conceive a boy or a girl using these methods, but it could increase your chances significantly. No matter what gender your child ends up being, the important thing is that they are healthy. It is fun to try and naturally select the gender of your future child, but at the end of the day there are many different factors that will ultimately decide their sex.